An Election Day Apology
If you were to print out a transcript of your life over the past 72 hours, how far would people have to read before they realized what political candidate you supported?
Now ask yourself…
If you were to print out a transcript of your life over the past 72 hours, how far would people have to read before they realized that you were a follower of Christ?
Talk about a gut check.
I am just going to say it. I hate politics. I never thought I would write a blog about it because of how much I resent it.
I understand this isn’t going to be favorable in the eyes of some family members, friends, and co-workers. I also understand I will also get a lot of backlash as a pastor. I am okay with that.
I can’t even begin to express the weight I’ve carried over the past 72 hours. The weight isn’t from the anticipation of results coming in… the weight is because of the response and posts I have seen as Christians post on social media.
“You’re not a Christian if you didn’t vote for Donald J. Trump”
“Jesus would be pro-choice”
“God would vote Red”
“Only Biden and Harris can save us at this point.”
Are you kidding me? Where did we go wrong?
Unfortunately, the “American Gospel” has become more popular than what Scripture actually says. The fact that we are even placing God and politics in the same sentence shows how far we have strayed. There is a reason our forefathers knew there needed to be separation of church and state.
Politics have no place in the church.
If we’re being honest with ourselves, some of us sure behave like we are more committed to a political party than we are to Jesus Christ.
Most of us act like our allegiance to our country is more important than our allegiance to God.
Romans 12:9-10 says,
'Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.
Paul wrote this verse for people like you and I. We are called to REALLY love people. I’m being serious. Christians, you are called to love Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
However, most of you read the 3rd sentence completely wrong. “Hate WHO is wrong.”
NO. NO. NO. “Hate WHAT is wrong.”
You see, Jesus was the best example we could ever have. Nowhere do you see him hating anything except for sin. Anytime I’m tempted to let my emotions get the best of me I think of what Jesus said to the Pharisees who wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery. “You without sin cast the first stone.”
That’s not called “lukewarm”. That’s not called “judgemental”. That’s not called “acceptance”. That is acting in obedience to Jesus’ teachings.
So am I saying you could have voted for either candidate as a Christian?
Yes. Absolutely.
BUT LAIN, Isn’t their agenda contradicting to the Word of God?
BUT LAIN, They support things God wouldn’t agree with.
Listen. I think we are a lot more concerned with politics than Jesus is. In fact, I guarantee it.
Most of us have forgotten that as Christians we still get things wrong. We sometimes make mistakes. We sometimes choose to do things that break God’s heart.
Again, you without sin cast the first stone.
No political party will satisfy. No politician will ever be faultless.
I promise, if you are more concerned with representing God rather than a political party, you will stop throwing stones and start living in truth.
Don’t count on a political party to be your voice. Remember that God chose YOU to be a light of the world, regardless of who holds office.
Remember, the Pharisees were really good at judging. God was really good at loving.
An open letter,
I apologize to any individual who has been told that they are not a Christian because of their political views. I honestly believe God’s heart broke more during this election regarding people’s hateful comments than because of who won or lost.
Always in your corner,
*I’m going to try to be more consistent on my blog moving forward. Subscribe below for a new blog post on the 1st Monday of every month!